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Exuviae Keita Matsunaga 松永圭太 Contemporary Japanese Ceramic Touching Stone is pleased to introduce Keita Matsunaga, one of the talented ceramists of the coming generation likely to have major impacts on Japanese ceramic art. Born in 1986 into a potter family in Tajimi, Gifu Prefecture, Japan, Keita Matsunaga received education in architecture. After graduating from the Department of Architecture in Meijo University in 2010, he studied pottery in Tajimi City Pottery Design Center in Gifu, graduating in 2013. He then furthered his pottery studies in Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo in Kanazawa, graduating from there in 2016. Matsunaga's conceptual sculptures not only show unusual beauty of organic forms and textures, but more important, provoke thoughts about nature of the empty space they enclose. He developed the concept of his current work when he was building large hollow forms. While digging and kneading with his hands, he created a void in the clay in order to form the outer shape. He wondered about the empty space that became the visible structure. The process is reminiscent of an insect casting off its exoskeleton, leaving behind an empty shell (exuviae). The artist acts like a molting insect, forming an empty shell imprinted with his movements, then vanishing without a trace.
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Keita Matsunaga Exuviae No.1 (2017) 16.5"x 10"x 8.75" (2 views) Inquire |
Keita Matsunaga Exuviae No.2 (2016) 13.5"x 14"x 10" (2 views) Inquire |
Keita Matsunaga Digging-n-Building No.3 (2017) 11"x 9.5"x 12.25" (2 views) Inquire |
Keita Matsunaga Digging-n-Building No.4 (2017) 10.25"x 9"x 10.5" (2 views) Inquire |
Keita Matsunaga Digging-n-Building No.5 (2017) 7.5"x 8"x 6.75" (2 views) Inquire |
Keita Matsunaga Digging-n-Building No.6 (2017) 5"x 4.75"x 3.25" (2 views) Inquire |
Keita Matsunaga Exuviae No.7 (2017) 10.5"x 8.75"x 6" (2 views) Inquire |
Keita Matsunaga Exuviae No.8 (2017) 13.5"x 14"x 10" (2-parts composite) Inquire |
Keita Matsunaga Exuviae No.9 (2017) 12"x 10.5"x 11.5" (2 views) Inquire |
Selected Exhibitions 2015 "Kiwami" Group Exhibition, Sin Sin Fine Art, Hong Kong. 2015 Solo Exhibition "Abode of Beginning", Space Ohara, Tajimi, Japan. 2016 Solo Exhibition "Mars Gravity", Gallery Utsuwa Note, Saitama, Japan. Awards and Honors 2013 Selected for the first Seto Toshiro Trennale, Seto, Japan. 2013 Grand Prize, Takaoka Contemporary Craft Competition, Toyama, Japan. 2014 Judge Award, the 22nd Tableware Festival, Tokyo, Japan. 2014 Encouragement Award, by the Mayor of Kanazawa, the 70th Kanazawa Kogei Exhibition, Kanazawa, Japan. 2014 Selected for the 10h International Ceramic Festival Mino, Gifu, Japan. 2014 Encouragement Award, International Itami Craft Exhibition, Hyogo, Japan. 2015 Selected for the 23rd Japan Ceramic Exhibition. 2015 Selected for the 6th Kikuchi Biennal, Tokyo, Japan. 2016 Honorable Mention, the 24th Tableware Festival, Tokyo, Japan. 2016 Encouragement Award, the 72nd Kanazawa Kogei Exhibition, Kanazawa, Japan. 2017 Selected for the 11th International Ceramic Exhibition Mino, Gifu, Japan. |
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